Tag - butterfly valve

Unique Application with Odd Flange Dampers!

Odd Flange Dampers for unique applications where the bolting patterns are completely different! Our customer had a unique application with some spacing and mounting challenges. We customized one of our 2300 series dampers to match their existing flange patterns with one unique pattern that bolts directly to their machinery while the opposite side bolts to exhaust ductwork! We also redesigned the bracketry to fit into the existing space. These are just a few of the customization Elite Industrial Controls can...

Massive Ø120” Blast Furnace Damper in Action!

Check out the video of this Massive Ø120” Blast Furnace Damper in action! We recently repaired a customers Ø120" 2400 series damper that is currently installed in a blast furnace system of a major steel manufacturer. Elite can create new and repaired solutions from any size from Ø2" dampers to well over Ø120" in diameter. Key Features: ✅ Impressive Ø120" Size ✅ Precision Hydraulic Controls ✅ Durability to Withstand Extreme Conditions ✅ Improved Efficiency for the Blast Furnace Performance

Elite Is Essential

Elite Industrial Controls is deemed an essential business in this day of global complications. With our constant support with air filtration systems, acid plants and energy establishments we are needed to support these other points of business and operations to function. The valve solution shown is for an essential HVAC company still processing orders for their customer. In this day of Covid-19 and worry within the country we are doing everything in our power to keep our employees safe. This includes...

Standard and Custom Fabricated Dampers

Elite Industrial Controls designs and manufactures various sized dampers & valves for a wide range of applications. Product mix varies from Ø2″ wafer valves to Ø120″ dampers. Here is an example of an Ø84” damper we designed and manufactured for one of our top tier customers at a steel plant. Their application required a unique mechanical stop that would open the valve fully 100% and close to 40%. Our final assembly department was able to adjust the...